Everyone loves chocolate chip cookies, and sometimes, your craving compels you to take the easy way out, which is microwaving your cookie dough instead of putting it in the oven.
So can you microwave cookie dough? The answer, unfortunately, is NO. The cookie dough won’t turn brown if you microwave it, and all you would likely end up with is curdled cookie dough.
Although there are some magazines and recipes that don’t stop you from microwaving, if you’re looking for that crunchy cookie from your mother’s recipe book, you’re probably going to be disappointed.
One of the main reasons you shouldn’t microwave cookies is that microwaves aren’t made for baking. The air within the microwave doesn’t usually get hot enough.
Microwaves generally work by heating the inside of the food rather than the outside.
When you’re thinking about baking a cookie, you naturally need the sugars on the outside of the dough to heat and caramelize, which gives it a crunchy texture.
Also, microwaves are known to heat some ingredients much faster than the others- such as sugars, which means that these ingredients stay hot while the others don’t cook as quickly, degrading the texture of the finished cookie.
Alternatives to Microwaving your Cookie:
If you feel like the entire process of baking your cookie dough is too rigorous and lengthy, then using a toaster oven is the next best thing. Getting quality cookies from your toaster oven is probably a better option than microwaving them.
Here’s what you should consider when using a toaster oven:
· First, set the temperature for the toaster oven as the same as your regular oven.
· If your cookies baked slowly, that probably means your toaster oven wasn’t hot enough
· If your cookies finished faster than you expected or didn’t spread the way you liked them, that means your toaster was too hot.
· If your cookies turned dark too quickly at the edges, that means reduce the size of your cookies and put them in the middle.
A toaster oven is a perfectly good alternative to making cookies for one or two. If you feel like your cookie dough craving will be too strong, then it’s probably a good idea to keep your dough in the fridge or the freezer for when the craving strikes.
Keeping cookies in the refrigerator improves the quality of the cookies. There are several small-batch recipes that you can find, which might work better in the toaster oven.