Honey, I’m home! Can you microwave that little bear full of honey to stir into your tea and soothe your sore throat?
The short answer: YES, but it’s not the recommended method of heating honey.
Microwaves work by heating water particles in food to their boiling point. This has the potential to damage and scorches the sugars found in honey, which can alter its taste and consistency.
Beneficial enzymes found in honey—especially if it’s raw and unfiltered—can also be damaged in the microwave, leaving the end product not as nutritious or tasty.
At the end of the day, microwaved honey is perfectly safe for consumption. This heating method is perfect as a quick fix to cold or crystallized honey.
How to Microwave Honey
First, pour your honey into a microwave-safe dish. The experts recommend using a glass container or dish so that plastic doesn’t leach into the honey and ruin its consistency. Do not microwave any plastic honey containers!
Next, microwave your honey at 50% power in 30-second intervals. Stir the honey in between each interval so that it heats evenly. Take a quick sniff each time to ensure that your honey is not scorching in the microwave. Honey will smell charred if it gets too hot and burns.
Typical honey found in plastic bottles shaped like a bear is much more forgiving than raw, unfiltered honey, which is very delicate. Special attention is required to keep raw honey tasting as delicious and smooth as possible.
Your honey is ready to be served when it’s warmed to your desire and as runny as you like. Careful not to burn your tongue—honey can get pretty hot!
You might find that your honey solidifies or crystallizes again slowly after microwaving it. This is perfectly normal and to be expected. To undo the process, simply reheat using the same instructions above.
Warm, golden honey is the perfect touch to a cup of tea—it can even be used as a sweetener in coffee! Good luck and bee well in your microwaving adventures.