Perhaps you’re getting ready to serve some hot dogs and need that special tangy condiment sauerkraut that makes them taste so good.

Maybe you’ve got another recipe in mind. Whatever the reason, you’ve probably wondered at some point whether or not you can microwave sauerkraut. Fear not! YES, You can indeed microwave sauerkraut.
Even better, we’ll teach you a quick and easy recipe for microwave sauerkraut that’s also customizable and tastes great.
Getting Started
Before we start cooking, let’s go over a bit of prep you’ll need to do. First ingredients:
- ½ cup water
- 2 cups canned or fresh sauerkraut
- (optional) 1 thinly sliced onion
- (optional) ½ cup beer instead of water
- (optional) salt, pepper, lemon juice, or other seasonings
Now that you’ve got your ingredients lined up let’s prep everything to go in the microwave.
Start by draining the sauerkraut. Ensure it’s clean and dry of any fluid, especially if it was canned; we don’t want those preservatives and things in with our other ingredients.
Now place the 2 cups of sauerkraut in a microwave-safe bowl and cover it with water (or beer if you prefer). Now add in optional ingredients and seasonings to taste.
Microwaving Your Sauerkraut
Microwave your sauerkraut for about 5 minutes or until tender. You should check the sauerkraut periodically so that it doesn’t overcook. Once done, let stand for 2-3 minutes, mix and prepare for serving.
A few notes on cooking sauerkraut. Canned sauerkraut usually comes in a brine of salt and water, which can affect the taste when served.
However, rinsing the sauerkraut can reduce the flavor. You can drain the sauerkraut to remove the brine or rinse it if you prefer a milder taste to your sauerkraut.
Do NOT microwave sauerkraut directly in any container that it comes in; always use microwave-safe materials.
Can You Microwave Sauerkraut - Wrapping Up
Well, that’s it—a quick and delicious way to prepare sauerkraut in the microwave. The next time you’re ready for a tasty addition, you know what to do.